I wrote those words probably fifteen minutes ago, and then gave up and went to sort more photos. Ha!
Hannah. Or Wheely, as we affectionately call her. It must have been about six months ago, when she actually was a senior, that we talked about doing some photos. Life got in the way, Hannah went to England for a few months, and the idea was generally forgotten.
Hannah. Or Wheely, as we affectionately call her. It must have been about six months ago, when she actually was a senior, that we talked about doing some photos. Life got in the way, Hannah went to England for a few months, and the idea was generally forgotten.
Well, until Saturday. Hannah's leaving for America next Monday where Tennessee and beauty school await her. She's already known as the hair-dresser of the youth group, and most of us have had her work her hair-cutting magic on us under the back-yard basketball "court" light. She's fearless with those scissors in hand. In fact, she's an all-around fearless woman. I admire her confidence, joy, and eye for beauty. She's frank and honest, but she sees so much good in everyone around her that her openness often leads to encouragement. And her outsides are as beautiful as her insides. Which is saying something.
We wandered around Alsancak with friends for a while, as Hannah visited her favorite haunts just one more time. We were heading for the waterfront when we saw him and his big bouquet of baloons. And one of the em matched her scarf. Irresistable? Pretty much.

We popped in a few little alleys, because I just couldn't resist (even though we were technically supposed to be "hanging out" at this point, not taking pictures. Same difference, right?)

Then it was off to the waterfront.

[Problem #234 with pp: sliiiiightly different tints to the series shots.]


So anyway, due to brightness we got a few backlits

and retreated to the grassy area.

'ello lovey!

Next up is probably my pick of the bunch.

p.s. pick favorites.
I pick the one titled "open" and then the one with the red wall background. Big favorites. I also like the opening shot a LOT. beautiful. I think the one of her kicking her heels up in the air captures her personality.
I would grumble about how it’s actually easy to get good shots when you have a gorgeous model person as your subject. Only I know better. This kinda light is tough with fair folk (and a white shirt! Eek!), and you’ve done simply top-hole job on these.
ReplyDeleteWhat editing program are you using these days?
- Love the first. Great expression / composition / catchlights.
- #4 likin’ the red repetition
- Second on the waterfront—loveliness. That leeetle flare spot makes the shot. But the lines on the ground and the blue blue sky are pretty sweet too.
- The closed/open eye shots have to be my favorites. The white and red, the way the wind is in her hair and the laces on her shirt, the angle and innocence of it—all fantastic.
- Expression in the last is great, but I confess I’m a stickler for clarity . . .
Yay! Thanks so much for the feedback. With these, I've looked through them so many times I can't really trust my own judgement anymore :P
ReplyDeleteWhite shirt & tough light - ha, tell me about it.
I know you are a stickler for clarity, hee hee. It's a good thing to be a stickler for. But I actually like the softness here.
editing software - usually just irfanview, which is just my simple image viewer but it has some contrast/gamma correction type editing options. For the more edited ones I used picnik online.
But I think only the first 3 and the closed/open ones were edited on picnik. Part 2 is solely irfan view, small tweaks. Trying to stay closer to sooc. (: