This cold/flu dealio is doggedly persisting. Between the three of us, we've probably blown through a rainforest of tissues by now. Sorry rainforest! We're planning to make up for it by recycling our old essay drafts. The precise details of how we are going to recycle said drafts remains unclear. . .that's Sarah's job. Mom's job is to keep the pile of drafts from spreading out of 1 pile into 7.4 piles. My job is to continue issuing plentiful essay drafts. Clearly, (hello semester project) I will have no trouble upholding my end of the bargain.
Speaking of semester projects! I'm planning to make a portfolio of some of my favorite photographs as a part of my senior project. There aren't that many photos up here, but if any photos you remember strike you as folio material, do comment in the comments, wot.

I know the above photo is terribly composed, but the bobs of bokeh please me so much I have uploaded it anyway. Until very recently I though bokeh was unachievable with my cameratic! Super glad I was wrong.

Speaking of my cameratic, it has been very finicky of late. A few days ago, it appeared to have kicked the bucket. Given up the ghost. Flashed its last. My battery charger is unreliable at best, so we originally thought the problem was power. But several AA battery tries later, it still wasn't turning on.

I clutched it very close and regretted every harsh word about how long it takes to process. I rued each depricating insult against its non-DSLR-ness. I wiped tears off its ridgey plastic hand grip.

Then after I tenderly cleaned out the battery receptor thingies with a q-tip rubbed in babywipes, it blinked and turned on as of aeld. Oh the joy. It had only been dead for about five minutes, but ladles and jellyspoons I ask you. Did I learn my lesson?

Yes. I did. I am very thankful for my dear wacky little nonDSLR of a Kodak z812. I think most of his perceived deficiencies will be taken care of as we continue to get to know each other better. And after all. I kind of like having to work to get my bobs of bokehyness: I appreciate them more. What right have I to get a cameratic which does all the thinking for me before I know how to think myself eh? Right?
All photos taken on my constitutional today, which was pleasant in every way except the frigid wind which blew all the branches round and made for difficulties in composing. Neyse the light was lovely, and goodbye.
Giiirl! These are so beautiful. I came here and gasped. The bokeh, the backlight, the colors. Loveliness all.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say the fourth and sixth are my favorites. I love how you got the bright leaves onto a dark background for these. They pop so much better. *is guilty of not thinking about her backgrounds sometimes*
I'm curious. What did you have to do to get this bokeh? I mean, I know you've been trying for a while . . .
Quick critiquey: photo 1, while lovely, bothers me a bit with that edge of the blossom nipped off at the bottom. Photo 6 I would love, love, love to see more in focus.
So glad your camera is resurrected. I love seeing you photography. Keep a clickin'!
It's not that complicated, really; I just had to figure out what situations it would work in. I have to shoot in manual pretty directly into the light, f-stop at its lowest (2.8) and the rest just has to be fiddled around till it gets right. And zoomed in.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about the focus obviously, and because I don't have off camera lenses it confused me for a while since the camera tries to get everything in sight crisply focused. But in manual I just press the left-right buttons and it changes the focus tid by bit and voiler. Also also it works shooting into the light, so backlit is best. I guess that's true of all bokehyness?
So it's obviously really simple stuff, it just took me a while to figure out how to make it work :P
also: that nipped bud is very sad, I agree.
ReplyDeleteI blame the wind.
Sounds like basically what produces bokeh with any camera: low f/stop, high focal length (zoomed in). The backlight is something I hadn't thought of, but I guess the makes sense too.
ReplyDeleteBtw, what is this "senior project," and should I feel guilty and lax that I'm not doing one?