You know, weather forecasts are handy. Really handy. If you read them.
Which I made the mistake of not doing when I finally agreed on Wednesday for some pictures with Madmoiselle F. And it rained. The day prior, the day of, the day after. What did we do, we chic little amateur little model photoggy team?
We decided to go out and try anyway.
Lesson learned #1 - On a very cloudy day it is very cloudy and hence difficult to find out where the light is coming from.
Lesson learned #2 - There's a reason the direction of lighting is crucial in photoggishness. Light is more important than that awesome green wall you wanted to shoot at. If green wall is in shade go elsewhere. Please.
Lesson learned #3 - Always check your viewfinder. Because if you don't you may just find your ISO/F-stop combination has all your twilight photos completely blacked out. True story! I did some massive exposure tweaking in a free Lightroom trial and got this:
which red tone was, I admit, not quite the look I was going for. But, thanks to my free Lightroom trial, I was able to edit some of the shots into semi-respectability. Semi.
So meet Madmoiselle F. and her faithful companion...Tedders.

(: muaha


...and rocking the one-eyed smile :P

Haha, so my ideas for poses could use a liiiiiitle work. :D


The half smile is Mm'selle F's speciality. In case it were not noticed.

we musn't forget Tedders.

nor the loverly daisy flo'r.

then it got even DARKER. except we thought there might be some sunset at the sahil -
there warsn't.
so the pictures turned out like this: grainy day.

But, to be positive - there were some exciting jumps happening around this point in time as well.

in closing...the favorite.

yay us the weather beaters!
sneak peek of What Is To Follow:
the end.
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