
Wednesday, 28 October 2009

sunset at the sahil

I was feeling grumpable when I began my walk the other day. My inner growly bear had awake'd. Grimble grumble. That is, until I got to the sidewalk and saw this.
All of a sudden, things started lookin' up!

Grumpables quickly morphed into grinnables. Many many snipshots as a result! the colours just got more beautiful as the sun continued to settle into the horizon. bikepath:

and then the bay itself. you couldn't even tell how dirty the water is.

then I saw the stork-ish birdie. And the light got awesome. All these are sooc!

I recently figured out how to do the panoramic setting on my little kodak:

and the apartments behind me reflected the prettiful light.

one last one of mr. long-legs:

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My photo
I love beautiful stuffses. please leave a comment if you pass through! (: