So we were on our daily constitutional [gentle walk 'round the compound whilst having the flu].
So Sarah brought the camera to take random pictures.
So Ellen hijacked it. I didn't want the camera in HER hands. Everytime the camera pointed at me things ended up like this glamourous shot. Hello runny nose!
[pc=sarai]She kept trying to look serious, so I have all these series with one serious face and then her cracking up because I said something to make her laugh. :D blogger fuzzes out my pictures.

heh heh. :D

it was a happy sort of moment.

these ones aren't as coolio as the very first because the sun hurt sarah's eyes and jumping about hurt my sinuses. such a stalwart lot, we!
and some mischevious glasses for old times' sake :) awkward angle, ahahaha.

cheeese. and yes I know her hair looks green. it isn't really.

Also, we met a stick named Poe.
[pc=sarai]and that is all.
there isn't any more.